Agence de l'Eau du Mouhoun (AEM)

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From July 28 to 31 held in Bobo Dioulasso, a workshop on the development of the PPI water agencies Mouhoun and Cascades.

For the record, since July 2014, water agencies Mouhoun (AEM) and Cascades (AEC) have their Master Plan for Development and Water Resources Management (SDAGE). The implementation of this document requires the development of the Multiannual Programme for Intervention (PPI). The Permanent Secretariat of the Plan of Actions for the Integrated Management of Water Resources (SP / IWRM) through the Pool of Technical Assistance, has an expert to accompany the agencies.

The meeting in Bobo-Dioulasso co-organized by the MEA and the ACS, was to submit to the various participants provisional roadmap and discussion notes proposed by the expert in charge of the study, Mr. Athanase Compaoré.

Chaired by Mr. Moustapha CONGO, Permanent Secretary of IWRM, the opening ceremony was marked by the word of welcome Mr. Ghislain KABORE Anselme, Director General of the Water Agency Mouhoun (AEM), which recalled the context of the development of the PPI and located one of the workshop. In his opening remarks Mr. Moustapha CONGO stressed the importance of this mission that is developing the PPI. He therefore invited all stakeholders to participate actively in the development of this document. Finally, he welcomed the holding of this workshop that allows different actors to lay the foundations of this activity.

In developing its PPI, WEA also benefits from the support of its French partners (International Office for Water, the Water Agencies Adour Garonne, Seine Normandy Water).

The works

The work was marked by the presentation of the experience of the French water agencies in the development of PPI, called action programs in France. M Patrick FRESNEL, expert, steeped in over 40 years of experience in the water agencies in France, ensured the presentation. He made the history, the evolution of French water agencies and the process of development and reasons of SDAGE and action programs and actions in France.

It was followed by discussions and the presentation of the roadmap and discussion notes by the PPI The expert Athanase Compaoré.

The roadmap for the development of the PPI and provisional ratings of both agencies were reviewed and adopted.

In the light of the French experience and inputs of national expertise, this workshop allowed the ‘demystification’ of the PPI and especially its ‘decomplexification’ in the mind, all of which will allow the handling of the process and serene development of PPI by the Agencies Mouhoun and Cascades.